Online Course Questionnaire

The Online Course Questionnaire (OCQ) helps instructors improve teaching and gives IUB important data about the student experience. Students can also view the results of the OCQ to help make informed decisions when choosing classes.

About the Online Course Questionnaire

IU Bloomington's Online Course Questionnaire was developed to centralize and standardize the course evaluation process. The Online Course Questionnaire (OCQ) consists of 11 campus-wide questions that students are asked to answer about each class they take. Responses to these questions are shared with instructors, department chairs, deans, vice provost for undergraduate education (VPUE), and the vice provost for faculty and academic affairs (VPFAA) to be used for faculty development and for tenure and promotion. Five questions on the OCQ are designated as "Student Access" questions, which are available to students via the OCQ Student Dashboard to help them make informed decisions about the courses and the instructors they choose. The remaining six questions are used by instructors to improve their teaching and the student experience, as well as by university administrators to ensure that students are getting the most out of their education at IUB.

Each department and instructor may ask additional questions to get the most out of the OCQ. Participating faculty members receive a report that summarizes the students’ feedback for each class taught. Results are distributed only after grades have been submitted. Students are not identified in the report and faculty will not receive any data that links student responses by student name.

For more information on the development of the OCQ see the 2012 report or the original white paper. You can also view the official Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty & Academic Affairs policy on the OCQ here.

The OCQ will be administered during the last weeks of classes prior to the start of the final exam period. You can view the campus-wide OCQ questions here.