Lesson Plan: How to Write a Cover Letter
Upon successful completion, students will be able to create an effective cover letter outlining their interest in applying for a position/college/internship/scholarship utilizing proper business letter format.
Supplies You Will Need:
- Copies of Cover Letter Tips and Suggestions | PowerPoint
- Copies of Cover Letter Guide
- Copies of Sample Cover Letter #1, 2 & 3
Content Outline:
- Instructor will discuss the importance of the cover letter. It is usually the first piece of an application that is read.
- Hand out copies of the power point presentation. Walk students through the important parts of a cover letter including heading, inside address, salutations, and the complimentary closing.
- Hand out copies of the Cover Letter Guide. Highlight the important items mentioned. Many students believe that “minor” errors can’t hurt them when it comes to applying for a job. Give students a few minutes to read and critique the sample letter. Ask them to suggest how it could be improved.
- Stress the punctuation and grammar are vital components of a letter. An employer may only need to see nothing more than one misspelled word to decide that the applicant is not worth a second look.
- Use a career planning process that includes self-assessment, personal development, and a career portfolio as a way to gain initial entry into the workplace.
- Demonstrate job seeking skills.
- Assist students in determining where to “send” their letter. They should make the letter as real as possible by picking a business of interest.